Things seem to be moving along really quickly! In your latest pictures things are already looking so much more open and bright now that it's stripped down.
I'm quite pleased with the pace of things really. It certainly helped being able to arrange everything well ahead of time to avoid delays and disappointments
Plumber finally showed up to remove all the remaining pipes & last couple of radiators. He was supposed to do it last week but postponed to Monday. Then Tuesday. Then Thursday. He never showed. Then he called to say he could come just after lunch today. This morning he called to say he'd be there at 9:30am. Still, all the work he was supposed to do is done so I have another pile of scrap to get shot of.
A lot of this is what the plumber dug out to put all the new pipes in and he doesn't include removal of debris in his service. The breakers/ demolition guys, on the other hand, will take their debris out to the skip. However, there is a snag. The plumber semi-filled in the channels for all the floor based pipe-work with some of the smaller rubble. Like a sort of aggregate ahead of the new concrete going down. The technical advisor told us that all the loose stuff needs to be removed so i am having to dig it all out again without damaging any of the pipes. It's very dusty work & it's going to be 30ºC today which will be fun.
A lot of this is what the plumber dug out to put all the new pipes in and he doesn't include removal of debris in his service. The breakers/ demolition guys, on the other hand, will take their debris out to the skip. However, there is a snag. The plumber semi-filled in the channels for all the floor based pipe-work with some of the smaller rubble. Like a sort of aggregate ahead of the new concrete going down. The technical advisor told us that all the loose stuff needs to be removed so i am having to dig it all out again without damaging any of the pipes. It's very dusty work & it's going to be 30ºC today which will be fun.
Crikey! That FLICKEN SARKS!!
If you have a lead on Brisbane 21 August 1992 - CT version, for the love of Bob, let me know. Please!
34. Thirty four stairs from the ground floor to the attic space. The attic space being the place where we are storing just about everything while all the work goes on on the ground & first floors. I have just carried a load of boxes of books, dvds, kitchen stuff, bedding & assorted other bits all the way up there. Must have been about a dozen round trips from the car and back. I am absolutely exhausted. But my calves are now like rock. I need some ice.....
ps. Pro-tip: When moving house, NEVER pack all your books into one big box.