Thinking good thoughts for you today, Chuck, and hoping for the best. Also caring thoughts in memory of your mother.
Thank you salleygarden & weedyburton79 . Hospital was pretty brutal. as they tend to be. Some issues were found but won't know the severity until lab tests come back next week. It will be a nervous holiday weekend. Not feeling so hot today from aftereffects of procedures. Laying low.
Hello all. I wanted to thank everyone for all your notes & good wishes. I'm still not well but it looks like there's a light at the end of the tunnel (hopefully it's not a train!). It turns out I had a very strange minor heart attack brought on by some mysterious internal bleeding which in turn brought on a cancer scare. I've been cleared on the cancer issue but I will have to be checked periodically. As for the heart, it turns out the attack was brought on by the dehydration & bleeding from the above issue. Over 15 years ago I had what's called a silent heart attack in my sleep. I didn't even know that I'd had it at the time. 1 of the arteries in my heart was blocked but I cleaned up my act with a few lifestyle issues & since then I actually have grown 2 new arteries to replace the blocked one. It's kind of like Keith Richards' teeth, haha. So, I've been given a few new drugs & told to take it easy for a few more weeks. Now it's on to dealing with a new treatment for my rheumatoid arthritis. The plan was to start a new chemo (new for me anyway) but that's not going to happen now. I've been off all RA treatments until the new issues were figured out. I'm meeting with my rheumatologist in 2 weeks to come up with a new plan. Since I've had to stop treatments, more damage has been done & I haven't been getting around well. I'm hoping things resolve to the point where I'll get to enjoy the last month or 2 of summer. Anyway, the support of TCC members has been very important. I sincerely hope that people here don't ever have to deal with what's been going on with me the past few months. As a wise man (Mr Spock) once said "live long & prosper"!