Look for the "buy" link on his playing window. Yes, you can listen to the whole thing for free, too! What a guy.
It's the standbard "bandcamp" purchase page. For those who haven't used bandcamp, you set your price ($10 for the album in this case). This then takes you to the purchase page.
The default DOWNLOAD, if you look carefully now, is to MP3. You can choose the downarrow to then download as another format, such as FLAC. And then make your MP3 from that download, as I did.
Last Edit: Jan 17, 2015 17:40:59 GMT 1 by AForestFan
When you complete your purchase, your receipt gives you Reeves email address. How cool is that? Drop him a line and tell him what you think of the album.
I am listening right now to Reeves' album Ulysses. It has the guest vocal from Robert Smith on Yesterday's Gone. Quite a leap from that to making him a touring member of The Cure.
Pretty consistent with his new release. Weird and wacky, like hearing Jerry Garcia attempting hard rock. :-)
Here's a fan video of the RS track (although I prefer the John X remix):
Did anyone notice on Who Do You Love how Reeves vocals are on the left speaker and the guitar is on the right? Or am I losing it? I asked him on FB. Let's see what he says if anything. I swear I'm not hearing things. And I only just noticed this because it is now in my car.