Oooh. Bauhaus! Line of the week was Rick to Gabriel. "Keep an eye on her." I do prefer Jadis to Anne though. That's a cooler name. Is she in league with the Whisperers? & how about that Carol? Bit surprised anyone's idiot enough to mess with her, although she has mellowed quite a bit. But looks as though a revolution is starting. I did detect a bit of a tomato theme. Anyone else?
Oooh. Bauhaus! Line of the week was Rick to Gabriel. "Keep an eye on her." I do prefer Jadis to Anne though. That's a cooler name. Is she in league with the Whisperers? & how about that Carol? Bit surprised anyone's idiot enough to mess with her, although she has mellowed quite a bit. But looks as though a revolution is starting. I did detect a bit of a tomato theme. Anyone else?
Boy Negan really loved his bat didn't he? & what ever happened to all the rugs at the rubbish dump? They really tied the place together. Bit of a cliff hanger though. Surely that's not how they off Rick is it?
Boy Negan really loved his bat didn't he? & what ever happened to all the rugs at the rubbish dump? They really tied the place together. Bit of a cliff hanger though. Surely that's not how they off Rick is it?
we will find out next week. i've heard that is it for rick.
Boy Negan really loved his bat didn't he? & what ever happened to all the rugs at the rubbish dump? They really tied the place together. Bit of a cliff hanger though. Surely that's not how they off Rick is it?
we will find out next week. i've heard that is it for rick.
That would be so wrong. He's been there from the beginning & should go out in a blaze.
He sure had a lot of blood left in him didn't he? Very convenient given that they announced there will be 3 Rick Grimes movies. Still wish Maggie had bashed Negan's head in with that crow bar.
He sure had a lot of blood left in him didn't he? Very convenient given that they announced there will be 3 Rick Grimes movies. Still wish Maggie had bashed Negan's head in with that crow bar.
means we are going to have to spend good money to find out about the helicopter people. sigh. i know nothing about the comic books/graphic novels. the dream sequence where rick was in the endless field of corpses was pretty cool, IMHO. finally; that rick, he blowed up real good! obscure SCTV reference...
Fast forward 6 years & Judith has grown up into a precocious brat who seems to have cleaned all the brains off Coral's hat. She has a cute little katana though. & where did she find Rick’s gun? It’s nearly as big as she is. Michonne’s become more moody than ever since…, you know… (it was 6 years ago sweetie. Move on). Ever since Gabriel’s eye went screwy he can’t beat the women off with a shiatty stick. Is there a hairdresser in Alexandria? Negan’s had a bit of a trim. Carol has turned into Gandalf (but with a penchant for setting people on fire it seems) & Eugene has finally got rid of one of his haircuts. He still talks weird mind. & I think we have just met the whisperers