Hello everyone! I am writing to tell you that I must needs say goodbye to all my VHS tapes I have. I haven't played one of them since the 90s and thinking of converting them just makes me so tired... so, it is about time, it is dead weight and I thought that before throwing them away maybe someone here might want them... Of course the problem is the weight. Shipping them anywhere is expensive so it would be up to you. There are very good shows, low generation ones, rare ones (leysin 90 complete, miami 92...). I might keep one or two for romantic reasons, he he... I am not charging anything, I'd rather a true cure fan had them than anyone else.
I live in Barcelona, Spain so, if you're ever around on holiday and would like to go home with extra stuff, be my guest.
Well, I've said it, I hope I won't get cold feet. Sometimes it's so hard not to just throw it all away...
Please, spread the word if you're not interested and you think someone might.