Weird format to save audio in isn't it? Should play with VLC or Media Player classic. Do you have Audacity installed? If you have the FFMPEG library integrated (details HERE ) you should be able to import and save them in whatever format you want.
Weird format to save audio in isn't it? Should play with VLC or Media Player classic. Do you have Audacity installed? If you have the FFMPEG library integrated (details HERE ) you should be able to import and save them in whatever format you want.
VLC and MPC are playing it but none of these is my favourite Media player
Audacity isn't on my machine yet. So Audacity and FFMPEG library could convert it? I assume FFMPEG library wouldn't help for Adobe Audition too?
Audacity's ffmpeg library would allow you to open them. After that you would need to save/export in the format of your choice. I haven't used audition for ages, so not sure on the current compatibility. There are loads of free converters out there, but I'm not sure I'd trust them. Audacity's pretty good though and it's free
Edit: Just read audition CS5.5 should also open them