I'm zero with computers, and was wondering if any of you, maybe also ill at ease with these machines and technologies, had nevertheless tried to create his/hers little and simple website?
Free? Not expensive? Easy? With what site? With which programs? Photoshop?
It depends what you need the site for really. Wordpress.com, medium.com & weebly.com are fairly good. You might also want to purchase a domain & see about getting it optimised for searches.
As Steve says, you need to define what you're trying to achieve first, before you can make a decision. Are you sharing pictures? Advertising your services? Writing a blog?
You can go from one extreme (maintain your own website yourself, maybe learning HTML as you go) to the other (pay someone $ to make the changes you need).
If you want free, then obviously you won't get much and you'll have to work on it yourself.
Have a look at this. If after 30 minutes, it doesn't make any sense, you're probably not ready to maintain your own site! - unless you download tools that make it easier for you.
I would like to doo something very very simple. Let's think about thecurerecords.com. Just a long list of small picture, and when you clic on it, it opens a new window with bigger image. That's all.