No, I'm not talking about the movie. I'm talking about the theory that one thing effects another no matter how small it is. The anniversary of Ian Curtis's death is what made me think of this. What would life be like if certain events would or would not have happened? What if I had not met a certain person? What if I didn't go back to school? What if certain sports team won over another? What if a certain political figure or world leader did not die?
So what would music be like if Ian had lived? Or maybe some others? like Jimi Hendrix, John Bonham, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Janis Joplin? Would it be different? I think so. I think the pop charts in general would have been completely different, and for the better actually. I think the 80s would have been shaped very differently. What do you think Ian would have thought of Kurt Cobain? I think he would have thought he was a genius.
If Kurt Cobain hadn't committed suicide, would Dave Grohl have form the Foo Fighters? If ...I dunno... Alan Wilder hadn't answered that ad in the music paper, would Depeche Mode have remained a plinky plonk pop group rather than something far more substantial?
And yes, the great: Hendrix, Curtis, etc, etc, etc. What would their continued impact have been?
If Simon hadn't clobbered Robert back in '82, would 'Japanese Whispers' and 'The Top' have been released!!!
The early bird might get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.
events are often chained to eachother, so if dad wasn't a man maybe he would have been a boat . if the vietnam war have never been fighted, Janis Joplin would have been a mediocre junkie singer and Jimie Hendrix maybe missed the success he had, who knows? now Kurt Cobain would have be live, but his genius had expired as it was yet when he died and his suicide made him an icon as Ian Curtis: icons of a bad life lived in sadness. i lived in sadness too, a youth in poverty, i had just a bike in all my childhood and stayed a home when my friends were out on their bikes and it made me feel different from them. i made choices in life and i still ask to myself what would have been making different choices...i answer to myself that i haven't be in shame for the evil that i did and the bad things i saw and lived, they made the man i am, bad or good it's not a thing i can say, but i learnt i haven't to regret. and i am "son" of what the world brougth to me, Joy Division music(but i could name more!), so now i ask to myself, what i would be if Ian Curtis failed his career as singer istead of kill himself? i would be a different man? or i would be the same s*it i am? it's better never know the answer