I swear I saw a glimmmer of sunshine this morning, it raised my hopes temporarily as once I got outside I realised it was just as bloody cold as yesterday...and the day before...and the day before...
bloody snow its the governments faulty .... weather austerity , keep the plebs in their homes so they don't spend so they can raise everything even more
I had my bike upgraded at the start of the month because hey! March is when the temperatures get into double figures again and therefore, I can go out cycling after six months of incarceration indoors during the 'orrible Winter, right?
Too. Bloody. Cold.
My bike is under the bed and I am hibernating in it.
Wake me up when that rarely-seen bright yellow orb doodah makes an appearance in the light blue stuff up above, whose name (let alone appearance) I can't recall...
The early bird might get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.