Still enjoying the recently shared WMSwings shows, it's been really nice listening back through this tour. Does anybody have a lossless version of this version of Rome 1996 that can be heard streaming at You Tube at this link. Robert singing during Faith something like "7 years ago", seems he's maybe refering to the "Tiananmen Square" version of Faith which was 7 years before at the same venue. It's quite a nice show as the shows in Rome always seem to be. I believe it's the T.C DAT, does anybody have a known lossless version they could please share?
This year I have listened back through many The Swing Tour shows as a kind of 25 year celebration!!!, making may way from the start through to the finish, I am almost at the end of the tour and don't want it to end!!!!!, could anyone please kindly share any of these shows if you have good quality lossless versions?, and help the tour last a little bit longer before it comes to and end for me!!!!!
I already shared the G.T.R. version but the one above sounds better and is in correct pitch.
there is someone in the comments section who has a AU1 of his brothers master,
maybe worth a try ??
I've never sent PM or registered on youtube so I don't know... He's probably referring to a different recording than the one on youtube, and is not mentioning the Au1 thing. It would make sense to ask the uploader for a lossless trade, but I don't know... Right now I'm good with my own tweaked version of the GTR tape.
One good thing about music, when it hits you feel no pain So hit me with music, hit me with music