Oo - what's scrapple? Is it fried bread? Looks like ceholesterol on a plate
To me it's disgusting. It's some sort of chopped meat patty thing that people fry and eat for breakfast. The Polish American people go crazy for it. Hmm it MIGHT be equal to the black disc thing the Brits eat at breakfast not sure steve will know because he ate that at Abbot Cook and it looked gross. haha Sorry Steve but it did.
Urgh - that's black pudding - I would have to be tortured before I'd eat that - saw it being made in a butcher's shop when I was little - basically just a bucket of blood and fat is the starting point - vile! I have been assured that it tastes wonderful and how can I know if I haven't tasted it - as my friend so eloquently put it one day - 'I've never tasted dog sh!t but I know I wouldn't like it.'
Don't talk of worlds that never were
The end is all that's ever true