Remember, eventim and bookingsdirect now use the awful queuing system, sometimes takes half hour to get on either site. Start refreshing the page early! I've already started ... .. . alarm's set for the morning trying to get a Billy Joel ticket - don't know if yous any of you remember back when I joined this forum my dad had just got out of hospital and I was having to take time outta work to watch him - he's doing well, 82 man - got over the op and took a two month trip out to Albuquerque to see my bro - anyway he's big into Billy Joel and I've had an alert set for just in case Billy Joel ever came back to UK - somehow I wasn't allowed into the pre sale but hoping to get him a good seat tomorrow morning - I'll drive him down there and check out London with him but I'll leave him at the gig and go for a beer like he used to thirty five years when I wanted to go see Gillan or Scorpions or whatever it was back then...Hope you's get lucky with the third night Wembley - I'm real excited that Billy Joel is coming to England while my dad is still sane enough to enjoy the gig...heheh we're all getting older huh and Mort is not far away...