Does anybody know, when eventim will post tickets to London show (1st)? All other tickets (berlin, lodz, prague, vienna, budapest, liepzig) I have at home. But London still not.
My Manchester was attempted to be delivered yesterday, but I was at work. So i'll have to go pick it up this weekend. Hope I don't bloody lose the thing!
yes, 31 years... but the delay is due to bureaucracy. And the font is similar to the one on THOTD tour, it couldn't be the same! It's not 1985! It's 2016!
Does anybody know, when eventim will post tickets to London show (1st)? All other tickets (berlin, lodz, prague, vienna, budapest, liepzig) I have at home. But London still not.
Nope no idea, maybe they aren't sending out Wembley tickets as another date could still be added?