He's not going to pull the trigger until the second night sells out and even then it's a gamble. Had the 2nd Wembley sold out immediately I think would have booked it. He could be planning another Christmas present for all of you too!
It does look like a smattering of odd seats left for the 2 Wembley nights but they'd shift most of the 3rd night as soon as they go on sale and they'll still have a year to sell the odd seats that haven't already gone. (I can't keep being late for work cos I'm hitting F5 at 9.00!)
I heard her new song on the radio the other day and I was thinking 'who listens to this miserable crap?' Then I remembered that that is exactly what a lot of people say to me about The Cure....
I've worn out my refresh key!! Three mornings have killed it. I can understand a Thursday night not selling out, Friday hasn't either though - would they add a Saturday if they can't sell a Friday night?
Maybe not, but I think they'd have a good chance to sell out the Saturday as there must be loads of people like me who could go to that one, but not the others, due to working/family/kazoo commitments etc...
I still have hope!
Last Edit: Dec 1, 2015 23:27:33 GMT 1 by wren: spelling fail
Don't talk of worlds that never were
The end is all that's ever true