And I'm just washing my bed linen thanks to one of the cats barfing a load of half digested cat biscuits all over it
Oh gawd. Hope the little dude's okay. Basil has just had a fight with the tap in the bathroom, turning it on to a dribble & getting totally soaked in the process. He seems to like the water though. I think he may be a dog in a cat's body.
He is a cutie isn't he? I was reading the news earlier & he came ambling past with a bit of tissue stuck to his foot. A bit like when you spend an evening with toilet paper stuck on your shoe at a night club. I went into the bathroom & he had unpacked & shredded a whole box of tissues.
He is a cutie isn't he? I was reading the news earlier & he came ambling past with a bit of tissue stuck to his foot. A bit like when you spend an evening with toilet paper stuck on your shoe at a night club. I went into the bathroom & he had unpacked & shredded a whole box of tissues.
He is a cutie isn't he? I was reading the news earlier & he came ambling past with a bit of tissue stuck to his foot. A bit like when you spend an evening with toilet paper stuck on your shoe at a night club. I went into the bathroom & he had unpacked & shredded a whole box of tissues.
His exploits really make me laugh. Cats are seriously the best.
I dread it when a fly gets in from the balcony. He's after it like a bullet out of a gun with no regard for ornaments, plates, net curtains, kitchen sinks or ...well....anything really. It's like a shopper on black Friday on meth
So I have bought him a couple of bouncy balls, a stick with feathers on the end (a few actually, as he destroys them pretty quickly), a squeaky mouse, a jingly ball with feathers on it. But his favourite plaything is any empty box I happen to be just about to throw out.
So I have bought him a couple of bouncy balls, a stick with feathers on the end (a few actually, as he destroys them pretty quickly), a squeaky mouse, a jingly ball with feathers on it. But his favourite plaything is any empty box I happen to be just about to throw out.
So I have bought him a couple of bouncy balls, a stick with feathers on the end (a few actually, as he destroys them pretty quickly), a squeaky mouse, a jingly ball with feathers on it. But his favourite plaything is any empty box I happen to be just about to throw out.
Sounds like a MasterCard advert lol
It also sounds like he's talking of my sister's kids.